Monday, February 27, 2006


Yo. I only just found out that Google owns Blogger.....i wonder how long that has been for? Meh. So, the blog thing, should get back into it eh? if anyone cares...

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Nerd Test

Go For it.

I am 24% nerd.

I am 24% loser. What about you? Click here to find out!

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Thus ends the 4th day of the holidays. How have the holidays been? Great.

I love holidays. I hate holidays. Which one overpowers?
I love holidays, because there is no to little responsibility involved. It's funny how our society works. We laiden ourselves with responsibilities, so we have purpose and power, then wait until it is lifted, holidays, to only once they start, feel purposeless.
Well that's the way i feel. I love holidays, because theres no responsibility, no commitment. If i don't wake up until 1, who cares? But then, i get bored, and wish for something to consume my time. Something important. Thats why people who retire die earlier. They lack purpose beyond waking up the following day.

But i have some purpose these holidays. Several video editing projects, and some church stuff. Also, i got promoted at work, if i want to romance the idea. I have been "promoted" to McCafé. How nice. It feels like starting a new job, so i am excited. I get a new uniform, and hopefully, more respect. When customers walk into McCafé, they're somewhere else. So they don't diss the Maccas guy, hopefully.

Should be fun.

Monday, November 07, 2005


Damn, this always happens. I start a blog and don't consistently update it.
How sad. Well here is entry number two. No more meaningful than the first, but there is an improvement.

Sunday, September 25, 2005


Wow. A blog. I bet something meaningful SHOULD be posted. Meh.
